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Electronic transactions
Claims submission
Eligibility verification
Remittance advice


alloFactor is committed to the needs of small and midsized medical practices. We provide most of our software modules at a low price to medical practices so you can avoid costs associated with purchasing a software package. You still get all updates automatically and you avoid costs associated with software upgrade and IT staff. We hope you find alloFactor useful, productive and inexpensive.
Software - Monthly lease
Module Cost $ Unit
Practice Management $150 /prov /month
EMR $299 /prov /month
Practice Mangement & EMR $400 /prov /month
Patient Portal $50 /prov /month
Companion for iPhone $25 /prov /month
Electronic Transactions
Module Cost $ Unit *
Unlimited Claims+ Remittance $60 /prov /month details
Unlimited Claims+ Remittance + Eligibility $75 /prov /month details
Traditional Transactions
Module Cost $ Unit *
Unlimited Reminder Calls $65 /prov/month details
Fax Bundle
(1 line+500 pages)
$65 /month details
Additional Faxes
(/500 pages)
$35 /month details
Data Conversion
Data migration $500 & up
Data Interface
Custom Development $150/hour
We do NOT restrict number of users or number of software installations for a medical practice.
We do NOT restrict you from giving access to your vendors who needs secure access to clinical data nor do we charge special fees for external users. However you are fully responsible for the privacy of data and we do caution you to be prudent about disabling inactive users promptly and restrict access to absolutely necessary data.
Minimum fees apply with electronic claims, eligibiligy checking, remittance advice, reminder calling, fax solution, billing fax, and statement mailing. Please see the details page for more information.
alloFactor reserves the right to adjust its prices at any time with 30 day notice
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