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Electronic eligibility - Process
1. Download and setup alloFactor if you have not already done so. You can start using alloFactor Calendar module to schedule patients immediately.
2. Login as admin and choose eligibility verification option for the clinic. Ensure your clinic and provider details are complete including address, tax id, specialty information.
3. Our staff will do the necessary paperwork to complete setup. You can start manually verify eligibility within 24-48 hours.

Batch verification
1. Email us a request to setup batch verification and we will setit up nightly.
2. Your frontdesk staff can directly see the verification on Calendar module with details under eligibility tab.

Real time verification
1. Right click on an appointment and choose 'Verify eligibility' option.
2. Ensure that the patients demographic information and insurance information is entered.
3. alloFactor contacts the payer, coverage is verified. The appointment will show an 'e' with a green circle if covered, a red circle if eligibility failed or patient not covered. Details are available under eligibility tab.

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